✓ For all shades
✓Steel hard & warm gold shimmer at the same time
✓ Extracted & reduced Carnauba (10%) from our Carnauba flake technology
✓ The ultimate time saving product
✓ The perfect result in seconds
✓ Maximum colour volume due to the unique color adaption
✓ Warm reflective Carnauba glaze
✓ Worldwide Unique
✓ Easy sprayon application, no curing time required!
✓ Leaves no residue on plastic surfaces
✓ Perfect colour match to the body color
✓ Overwhelming deep gloss
✓ Gorgeous color brilliance
✓ Legendary smoothness
✓ Rapid application of about 5-15 minutes per vehicle
✓ Durable protective effect
✓ Can be applied even on wet surfaces and as a drying aid
GOLD ZIRKON uses a specially designed gold plated extracted Carnauba Flake.